
Giving Back

Our goal is to identify individuals and families who are in need of help and generate assistance from the surrounding community.  The following are snapshots of some of the individuals and families for whom Community Backstop has had the privilege of providing assistance.  Click on the link below to enable us to provide assistance to individuals and families like these:


Accidents Will Happen

A hard working man with a family to support is involved in a tragic accident at work, in which a scaffold collapses and the resulting injuries leave him partially paralyzed.  CB teams up with other supporters to buy a van specially equipped to transport he and his family.


Devastating Fire

When an electrical fire at this family’s condo destroys their home and virtually all of their belongings, CB steps up to help pay for temporary housing, food, clothes, and the necessities of life that we all take for granted.


Jersey Shore Nightmare

Freak accidents do happen, and in this case, it happened on just another beautiful day at the shore.  What started off as fun with friends and family turned tragic when a body surfer was slammed underwater, resulting in a broken neck.  CB quickly stepped in to help the family cover expenses so they could focus on the important stuff.


Saying Goodbye

A mother suffers the unimaginable: losing a child to an opioid overdose.  But with limited resources, she is unable to cover all the costs of a proper funeral and burial.  CB fills the gap to help put the mother’s mind at ease.


Breadwinners in a Bind

Through no fault of theirs, two unrelated men are out of work and struggling to provide for their families.  Yes, this can happen to almost anyone.  In one case, it was a single Dad raising three kids under 7 years old.  CB helped both families make ends meet until they could get back on their feet.


The High Cost of Medical Emergencies

CB has been quite active in helping families deal with the direct and indirect financial impact of medical emergencies.  From a single Mom suffering from gastroperesis and unable to work, to another single Mom who lost her two year old to brain cancer, these are horrible situations made worse by the financial burden placed on the family involved.  CB has moved quickly to ease this burden and lessen the strain placed on families with limited resources.